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Tuesday, August 26, 2014


BASS or Basse/Besse
(Adams – Hunt – Bates – Skinner - Blanchard – Leadbeater)


Bass Genealogy & History

Bass is a descriptive English surname, derived from the Old French "basse" meaning "thickset", derived from the Latin "bassus", meaning "wide". Thus it was used to describe someone short and stout, although some suggest that with the ironic Middle Ages sense of humor, it could also be someone tall and thin! It is not likely an occupation name (bass-seller) derived from Old English "baes". The Bass family history dates back to the 13th-century family seat (feudal manor) in Haddingtonshire, and the coat of arms is a black shield with a silver border. American Bass genealogy includes emigrants to Virginia and Massachusetts in the 1630s.
American Bass genealogy includes emigrants to Virginia and Massachusetts in the 1630s.
Mayflower Decendants

Herbert Blanchard Leadbeater (1917 - 1998)FATHERson of Helen Muriel Blanchard -LEADBEATER
Helen Muriel Blanchard -LEADBEATER (1891 - 1989)GRANDMOTHERdaughter of Harriet Louise Skinner -BLANCHARD-BATCHELDOR
Henry Bates Skinner (1830 - 1892)2ND GGF son of Elias Skinner Jr
Elias Skinner Jr (1806 - 1885)3RD GGF son of Susanna Bates -SKINNER
Susanna Bates -SKINNER (1782 - 1856)4TH GGM daughter of Ruth Hunt -BATES
Ruth Hunt -BATES (1740 - 1824)5TH GGMdaughter of Bethia Adams -HUNT-BICKNELL
Bethia Adams -HUNT-BICKNELL (1702 - 1796)6TH GGM daughter of Hannah Bass -ADAMS
Hannah Bass -ADAMS(1667 - 1705)7th great grandmother

There is a Find A Grave record
BASS or Basse/Besse
(Adams – Hunt – Bates – Skinner - Blanchard – Leadbeater)

1705 (38)
Age died (##)
Hannah Bass-Adams
Wife of Joseph Adams
Mother of Bethia Adams-Hunt-Bicknell
7th GGM


1630 Essex ENG
1716 Norfolk MA(85)
8th GGF
Married 3 Dec 1657
1629 Plymouth MA
1674 Plymouth MA(40)
8th GGM
Ruth Alden is the daughter of John & Priscills Mullins-Alden  from the MAYFLOWER

·         John Bass Jr 1658 – 1724  m 1687 Abigail Adams 1658-1696 m 1698 Rebecca Savil 1672-1724
·         Samuel Bass (Deacon) 1660 – 1751 m 1678 Ann Kirtland 1658-1689 m 1689 Mercy Marsh 1669-1694 m 1694 Mary Adams 1667-1706 m 1706 Bethia (Bertha) Nightingale 1704-1733
·         Ruth Bass 1662 – 1699 (DEAD END)
·         Joseph Bass 1665 – 1733  m 1688 Mary Belcher 1668-1707
·         Hannah Bass -ADAMS 1667 – 1705    SEE ABOVE
·         Mary Bass  1669 – 1725 m 1686 Christopher Webb 1663-1690 m 1694 William Copeland 1656-1715 m 1718 Ebenezer Spear 1654-1719
·         Sarah Bass  1672 – 1751 m 1691 Ephraim Thayer 1669-1757
·         Phillip Bass 1674 – 1750 (DEAD END)

2nd Wife
Hannah Ann LEE-STURTEVANT-BASS 1630-1716


1598 Essex ENG
1694 Norfolk MA (96)
BASS Samuel (Deacon)
9th GGF
Married 1625
1601 Essex ENG
1693 Norfolk MA(92)

Confusion of wife names& info

Samuel Bass II 1626 – 1653  m 1648 or so Mary Howard 1626-1691
Mary Bass  1628 – 1704 m 1647 John Capen 16136-1692
John Bass 1630 – 1716  (32-29)SEE ABOVE
Ann/Hannah Bass 1632 –  1710 m 1651 Stephen Paine II 1626-1678 m 1692 Shadrach Wilbore
Thomas Bass 1635 – 1720 m 1660 Sarah Wood 1642-1678
Benjamin Bass 1637-1655 m 1655 Mary Brackett 1641-1679
Ruth Alden Bass  1634-1675 m 1656 David Walesvy or Walsbee 1635-1678
Joseph Bass 1639 – 1710 m 1678 Mary Unknown  -1677
Sarah Bass  1643 – 1739  m 1662 John Stone 1635-1691 m 1693 Joseph Penniman 1639-1705


1565 Essex ENG
Essex ENG(51)
BASS Humphrey Benjamin Sr
10th GGF
Married unknown
1616 London ENG(48)
BASS Mary BUSCHIER (Butcher)
10th GGM
There was an epidemic of typhus in London in 1616. William Shakespeare, the playwright’s death being on April 23, 1616, in Stratford. Some historians have speculated that Shakespeare died of typhus, which was called New Fever by Dr. John Hall, Shakespeare’s son in law. If such an epidemic was making its rounds that year in England, Humfrey and Mary Basse could have died of it. This possibility gains plausibility when we consider the closeness of the death dates.

Nathaniel Basse (Capt) 1589 – 1654 m 1613 Mary Jordan 1591-1630
Info on their son, Nathaniel & Nathaniel’s children in the Jamestown area is very interesting---OUTLINE BELOW
Richard Basse 1591 – 1620
Humphrey (Humphry) Basse Jr 1593 – 1599 (DIED YOUNG)
William Basse 1594 – 1594 (DIED YOUNG)
Mary Basse 1595 – 1616m 1611 Luke Walthall 1590-1617
Hester Basse  1597 – 1616m 1616 Thomas Hobson 1594-1654
Samuel Bass (Deacon) 1598 – 1694 (33-30)SEE ABOVE
Humphrey (Humfry) Basse 1599 – 1601 (DIED YOUNG)
Thomas Basse 1600 – 1602 (DIED YOUNG)
Hanna Basse 1603 – 1605 (DIED YOUNG)
Barnaby Basse 1605 – 1616 (DIED YOUNG)
John Basse 1606 – 1616(DIED YOUNG)
Abigail Basse 1608 – 1654 m 1629 Unknown Thorpe 1607-(DEAD END)
Lydia Basse 1608 – 1627 (DIED YOUNG)
Luke Basse 1613 – 1613 (DIED YOUNG)
Abraham Basse 1614 – (DEAD END)  may have(DIED YOUNG)
Sarah Basse  1615 – 1654m 1635 Thomas Hastler 1612-1654(DEAD END)


1520 ENG or FRANCE
1616 London ENG(96)
BASSE William
11th GGF
Married 1560
1616 ENG(91)
Family name sometimes given as CARKIN
11th GGM

CHILDREN mostly lead to DEAD ENDS
William Basse(DEAD END)
Thomas Basse  1563 – 1616 (DEAD END)
Humphrey Benjamin Basse Sr  1565 – 1616 (45-40)(SEE ABOVE)
Richard Basse  1569 – 1616 (DEAD END)
Robert Benjamin Basse  1570 – 1616(DEAD END)
Benjamin Bass  1580 – 1616(DEAD END)


1534 FRANCE(36)
BESSE Joseph
12th GGF
Married 1518
1550 FRANCE(50)
BESSE Marie Josephine Albine POILOTTE
12th GGM

# #

There is further information but it is not totally reliably

Jamestown etc.
NATHANIEL BASS9TH great grand uncle
Nathaniel was commissioned to bring settlers to the New World. On April 27, 1619, they arrived at Jamestown, Virginia, founded in1607 (Isle Of Wight County,1608-1907) with one hundred settlers in a ship commanded by Captain Evans. They immediately settled near the mouth of a creek on the south side of the James River still known as Lawne's Creek. Captain Nathaniel Basse and others undertook to establish another plantation in the same neighborhood. This plantation was known as Basse's Choice and was situated on the Pagan River.
Nathaniel was back in England in early 1621/22 and returned to Virginia in 1622. He was commissioned to seek colonists for Virginia in New England and elsewhere.
The houses of Captain Basse's plantation were being built when a great calamity happened to the infant colony. At midday on Good Friday, March 22, 1622 there were twelve hundred fourty British inhabitants in the state of Virginia. Of these, three hundred forty seven were killed by Indians in the eighty settlements on the north and south sides of the James River, of which fifty three were residents of this county (Isle Of Wight County). At the house of Nathaniel Basse every one was slain. Nathaniel, who was in England at the time, escaped.
A muster of the inhabitants of Virginia taken in 1625 includes Nathaniel Basse, age 35. Nathaniel was a member of the House of Burgesses in 1624,1625, 1628 and again in 1629. He was a Councillor in 1630.
Nathaniel Bass returned to England and is buried in Church of St. Alphage, Cripplegate, London England, 3 July 1654.
Sourceses: Nathaniel Basse: "The Bass Family of Black Creek, North Carolina", compiled by James Albert Bass and James Albert Bass, Jr., 1986.
Children of Nathaniel & Mary Jordan Basse
(would be 1st cousins 10x removed)
Humphrey Basse 1615 – 1622 (DIED YOUNG) It is thought that Humphery died in the Good Friday Indian massacre in 1622 at Basses Choice, Virginia.
Samuel Basse  1615 – 1622 (DIED YOUNG) It is thought that Humphery died in the Good Friday Indian massacre in 1622 at Basses Choice, Virginia.
John Basse  1616 – 1699 Was the only survivor (parents in England). Rescued by Nasemond Indians and was taken to raise by them. m 14 Aug 1638 Keziah Elizabeth Tucker (Nansemond Indian Princess) 1618-1676
William Basse  1618 – 1695 m 20 Sep 1641 Sarah Batten 1620-1695
Anthony Basse  1620 – 1696 John Basse Bible Record  (DEAD END)
Edward Basse  1622 – 1696 m 1644 Mary Tucker (Nansemond Indian Princesses) 1629-1713
Mary Basse  1623 –1681 m (dates confused) Capt (William) Peter Knight 1587-1674 (her sister, Genevieve also married Peter Knight)
Anne Basse -BURWELL (twin of Genevieve) 1624 – 1681 m 11 Jun 1640 Thomas Burwell 1618- (DEAD END)
Genevieve Basse  (twin of Anne) 1624 – 1681 m 11 Jun 1640 Capt (William) Peter Knight 1587-1674 (her sister, Genevieve also married Peter Knight)
Richard Basse  1625 –  (DEAD END)  may have (DIED YOUNG)
Gregory Basse  1628 –  (twin of George) (DEAD END)  may have (DIED YOUNG)
George Basse  1628 – 1681 (twin of Gregory) (DEAD END)
Infant Basse  1629 – 1629 (DIED YOUNG) still born

Indian massacre of 1622(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The Indian Massacre of 1622 took place in the EnglishColony of Virginia, in what now belongs to the United States, on Friday, 22 March 1622. Captain John Smith, though he had not been in Virginia since 1609 and was thus not a firsthand eyewitness, related in his History of Virginia that braves of the Powhatan Confederacy "came unarmed into our houses with deer, turkeys, fish, fruits, and other provisions to sell us".[1] Suddenly the Powhatan grabbed any tools or weapons available to them and killed any English settlers who were in sight, including men, women and children of all ages. Chief Opechancanough led a coordinated series of surprise attacks of the Powhatan Confederacy that killed 347 people, a quarter of the English population of Jamestown.[2]
Jamestown, founded in 1607, was the site of the first successful English settlement in North America, and was then the capital of the Colony of Virginia. Its tobacco economy led to constant expansion and seizure of Powhatan lands, which ultimately provoked a violent reaction.[3]
Although Jamestown was spared due to a timely last-minute warning, the Powhatan also attacked and destroyed many smaller settlements along the James River. In addition to killing settlers, the Powhatan burned houses and crops. The English abandoned many of the smaller settlements after the attacks.

ALSO died in 1622 massacre – Capt John Rolfe.grand uncle of wife of 8th great grand uncle

1 comment:

  1. I have been working on the Bass family all day and am quite delighted to find such complete info on Humphrey Bass's family. May I ask where you came by such precise info on the names and b/m/d dates? It's too good to be true after all the different family line-ups I've run across! And have you a Family Tree site that I haven't yet run across?
