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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Michael Cullen & Margaret Fitzgerald Cullen's letter with notes

Well I copied the letters that I have and here they are.  They're very interesting and please forgive any mistakes

(No date)
My Dear Husband. I suppose you would like to know who stood for the baby.  It was sister Mary Cullen and Andrew Powers. Your sister Mary is at work here in Worcester since the 9th of April on Hammond Street with a family by the name of Yew.  He is a Baptist minister and she likes the place very much.  She comes to see us most every evening.
Dear husband I guess I will conclude by sending you my love.  Father and Mother send their warmest love to you and your sister Mary ???? ???? ???? and Julia all join in sending you their love and all hope to see you back home again in a short time.
Aunt Ellen and family sends you their love and best respect. I now send you my love and best respects once more and hope you will come home when you receive this.
                 Good bye but not forever. I hope
                 No more at Present from your most loving and faithful wife until death
                          Margaret M Cullen
                 Come Home Please do. Won’t you
(Written along the side)  There is no place like home

November 16, 1868
My Dear Husband
I received your kind and welcome letter on the 13th and received the money on the 16th and was very glad to hear that you were well in your health but very much disappointed to hear that you were not coming home For I expected as much as could be that you be at home here by Christmas day and I trust in God that you will be at home here this winter. I don’t want you to stay until next spring for I feel and know well enough that you would do better here at home For your Business is driving(? thriving) in all parts of the city and Every body thinks it will be a very good winter for work. My dear husband. I suppose you feel very uneasy for not getting my letters and I don’t blame you abit for it. I fretted a good deal. Every day and night on account of not getting any letter from you since last august and I used to watch the Steam Boat Train every morning last morning expecting to see you come home. As long as I was not getting any letter from you My Dear Husband. As long as I cannot see you It would give me the greatest Happiness to hear from you Every day if I only could and now My Dear Husband I hope you will never delay any of your letters on account of not having any money to send in them. You know I will not expect it in Every letter.
I think you have done very well Indeed to send home as much as you have sent My Dear Husband. I hope you will not let your self want for any thing of Necessity in order to send the money home to me for you know I can get along better among my own Folks than what you could among Strangers.
But I hope that you will not stay wandering about there in a strange country any longer. You need not be ashamed to come home for Every one knows it is a bad country and People that speaks to me about you always wonders why you don’t come home this winter.  Father and the other are very anxious to have you come home. I am situated just as you left me in our own tenement and we would be very happy if we would only meet again.
Your own dear little Katie. Is well and grows cunning as she grows old.  She calls for her dada every day and says come home and she loves her little brother dearly.  Every body says the Baby looks like you.  He is very fat. You ought to be in hurry home to see him. Father is well and is working in the same place yet. Mother is also well. You sister Mary is well and is working here in the city and likes her place very much.  Mr Goddard has bought all the land between the Norwich and western Railroad and is going to build a wire mill. He expects to have it built by next spring and that will be very handy for father. He won’t have to go very far to go to work only across the Railroad.  I suppose you will be very surprised to hear that Andrew Powers is married to Mary Kane.

Pacheco, California
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the place in Marin County formerly with this name, see Ignacio, California. For the former town with this name, see Fairford, California
Pacheco is a census-designated place (CDP) in Contra Costa County, California, United States.. It is located 5.5 miles (9 km) north of Walnut Creek.[7]
Fairford (also, Pacheco) is a former settlement in Marin County, California.[1] It was located on the Northwestern Pacific Railroad 4 miles (6 km) southwest of Black Point.[1

Contra Costa County California

Marin County Calif cities

Pacheco Jan 4th 1869
My Dear Wife
                                                   Your letter of the 15th of Nov, was received by me on the 12th of Dec. and was very happy to hear that you & the family were all enjoying good health as I am happy to say this leaves me in at present. I am at work every day and I  (text missing) think I will go (text missing)
I Think it would be the best for you to let the tenement as now I am here I do not want to leave until I leave for good. 
I was surprised to hear of the marriage of Andrew Powers and Mary Kane (I think I found them but not much information found yet) as I never expected to see it.
This is a splendid climate to live in as there is no cold weather only a little rain.
I received Katy’s letter (maybe Catherine “Katy: Cullen-Rice Michael’s sister) the same day I received yours ns was glad to hear that she was doing so well.
Give my love to your father & mother & Sister Mary (I think it’s Mary Cullen-Powers and Michael Powers) & (text missing) & Julie (maybe Julie Fitzgerald-Follett—Catherine’s sister) & wish your (the rest is missing)

1> Virginia, Nevada would be Virginia City, Nevada === Virginia City is a census-designated place (CDP) that is the county seat of Storey County, Nevada.[2] It is part of the RenoSparks Metropolitan Statistical Area.  Virginia City sprang up as a boomtown on top of the Comstock Lode, the first major silver deposit discovered in the United States, in 1859. ….the mines' output declined after 1874,

Although Comstock mining companies prided themselves on safety, these were dangerous places, and it was a rare week without a funeral procession for someone killed underground. The worst incident occurred on April 7, 1869 (just about a month before the above letter) when fire broke out at the Yellow Jacket Mine's 800-foot level. Perhaps more then forty miners died. The exact number remained undetermined because many were never recovered

3> Foundry would be the FULTON FOUNDRY.  I can’t find much information except in tiny blurbs about the railroad but one can find all sorts of pictures for sale.

4> Gold Hill, Nevada
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gold Hill is a community in Storey County, Nevada, located just south and downhill of Virginia City. Incorporated December 17, 1862, in order to prevent its annexation by its larger neighbor, the town at one point was home to at least 8,000 residents. Prosperity was sustained for a period of 20 years between 1868 and 1888 by mining the Comstock Lode, a major deposit of silver ore. Mines such as the Yellow Jacket, Crown Point, and Belcher brought in over $10 million each in dividends….. Historical remnants of the town can still be seen, including the Gold Hill Hotel, promoted as Nevada's oldest hotel, in existence since some time prior to 1862; the former Bank of California building; the train depot; and remains of several of the mines.


Nevada Counties --Storey is at the elbow on the left
Storey County 

Virginia, Neveda
May 31st. 1869
(landscaped comment inserted)

Dear Wife

                          I received your kind & welcome letter on the 29th which gave me great pleasure to hear that you was well.  I was very glad that you sent me those pictures especially of my young sons that I never saw. Katy seems to me as natural as ever, Dear wife you may make your mind easy now as I have got a good job now at my own jobs $5.00 per day & like it ?????. Write as soon as you receive this & I will send you some money & tell you about those bills I owe.
Dear wife I think as long as this job lasts I will stop here but as soon as Business gets dull I will go home & not before. I got this job a few days after writing that letter to you.  I would send you any pictures know but I did not have time to get it taken but I will send it sure in my next letter.
Give my kind regards to Father & Mother to Sister Mary Katy Ellen & I ????? of to all inquiring friends. Not forgetting yourself & my own Katy & Thomas.

P.S. I forgot to tell you job is in the Foundry as my trade I am working no more at P?????

From your kind & affectionate husband
Till Death
Michael Cullen
D----- as before
Gold Hill
Storey County
State of Nevada

California Counties   

 In California San Francisco area and Marin County are Michaels locations

Sanfrancisco January 19th 1870
My Dear wife. I mean to inform you that I received your kind and welcome letter on Christmas Eve which conveyed to me the glad news of your being well and all the family which is the best(?) of great pleasure to me. I mean to inform you also that I am in the enjoyment of good health. Thank God for his mercy to us all. 
My Dear wife I would write sooner but my in account of James’ family and sister is going home and they will call to see you and I hope you will treat them with the same kindness as if I was at home myself.  I was fully determined at going home with him but I could not conveniently square up so I am determined in waiting a little longer.
My Dear Wife (text missing) Such slack dull times (missing). Informed as there is there at present there is scarcely any thing doing. Thousands of men idle here now and we don’t get steady employment (only a few days in the week all trade all work is nearly suspended here.  There is more tradesmen idle here and can’t get employment at any rate of wages.
My Dear Wife. I will send you sixty in golf coin and I am determined to stop here a little longer to see will there be any change in the times. If there don’t I will go back Shortly and that I met William ????? and(?) William Tenneran(?) here. We spent some time together. I hope you will tell his mother that he is not well. He had to quit work in account of having a bilious ulcer.
My Dear Wife I don’t feel inclined to write any more accounts in this note in account of James’ family being gone back and he will able to tell you more than if was waiting for a week.  All I have to say is Dear Wife is I send you my best love and respects also Caty Thomas to your father and mother to sister Mary Caty Ellen and Julie and to all inquiring friends.

And I remain dear wife your loving husband until death.

                          Michael Cullen

Post your letter to Sanfrancisco Post Office for Michael Cullen till called for
I May be going home before ??? get our letter.  Write ????

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