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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

About Michael & Margaret Fitzgerald Cullen letters

Judith Spencer 05/24/2013
Michael and Margaret Cullen Letters
Hello again!
I found a few letters that were written by Michael and Margaret Cullen while he was away. They were written in 1869, and they had 2 children at the time-Katherine (Katy) and Thomas. One letter was written from Virginia (City), Nevada, where he was working in a foundry and making $5.00/day. He had never even seen his son, Thomas, who was born after he left. Margaret was living in a tenement in Worcester with the 2 children, not with her family, at least at this time. She pleads with him to come home, but he likes the work, the weather, and the money that he is making. He wants her to come west to live with him, but she does not want to leave her family in Worcester. He tells her that it never gets cold out there, only a little rainy, but the west, to her, is a strange, bad country (her words).
I'll see if I can make copies of these to send you, but they are so fragile, and one is very faded. I do have other things as well that I know you'll be interested in, and I'll send those along.
Michael Cullen must have gone to California after Nevada, because I found some notes that I had taken as my father was talking one day. I'll just rattle them off. Michael's sister, Mary (1837-1920) lived in Uxbridge and also Linwood. Married name: Powers or Power. Their parents had died of typhoid in Ireland, leaving them orphans. Michael came to this country at age 16, landing in Boston. He may have been in the British Navy, and he may have jumped ship. My father was just passing along family stories, but wasn't sure if the British Navy story was factual. Michael's mother's maiden name was Murray, and her father was James Murray from Waterford. Michael was away from his family for 2 or 3 years, most of those in California. He staked a claim in Oakland/San Francisco area for 1000 acres (not Stockton I guess), and built a cabin in hopes that Margaret and the 2 children would come out there to live. She had no intention of leaving Worcester, and he came home FINALLY!!
As I find more things, I'll share them with you. It's fun to look through all the Cullen stuff again, and to try and piece together all the information.
Take care. 

Judith Spencer
Some of the people mentioned in the letter 
I'm still trying to get more information

Mary Kane –POWERS

Birth abt 1840 in Ireland


Parents & Siblings

Owen Kane (-)

Joanna unknown -KANE (-)

No Siblings that I’ve found yet

Spouse & Children

Andrew Powers (1832-)

ohn Powers (1870-)

Alice E. Powers (1872-)

Josie M. Powers (1873-)

Pierce P. Powers (1876-)

Nellie Powers (1878-)

Andrew P. Powers (1879-)

Andrew Powers

Birth abt 1832 in Ireland


Parents & Siblings

John Powers (-)

Ellen unknown -POWERS (-)

No Siblings that I’ve found

Spouse & Children

Mary Kane -POWERS (1840-)

John Powers (1870-)

Alice E. Powers (1872-)

Josie M. Powers (1873-)

Pierce P. Powers (1876-)

Nellie Powers (1878-)

Andrew P. Powers (1879-)

Mary Cullen –POWERS

Birth 1845 in Ireland

Death 1923

Parents & Siblings

John Cullen (1818-1882)

Michael James Cullen (1844-1917)

Spouse & Children

Michael Powers (1843-1919)

Mary Powers (1870-1871)

Johanna Powers (1872-1873)

Maurice Powers (1873-)

Catherine or K Powers (1874-1884)

Katherine Powers (1874-1884)

Ellen Powers (1875-1931)

Patrick Powers (1877-1926)

Thomas F Powers (1879-1901)

Teresa Powers (1882-)

Bridgit V Powers (1885-1953)

Mary Powers (1886-)

Michael Powers

Birth 28 Sep 1843 in Ireland

Death 1919 in Uxbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

Parents & Siblings

Patrick Powers (-)

Johanna Doohan (-)

No Siblings nothing found yet

Spouse & Children

Mary Cullen -POWERS (1845-1923)

Mary Powers (1870-1871)

Johanna Powers (1872-1873)

Maurice Powers (1873-)

Catherine or K Powers (1874-1884)

Katherine Powers (1874-1884)

Ellen Powers (1875-1931)

Patrick Powers (1877-1926)

Thomas F Powers (1879-1901)

Teresa Powers (1882-)

Bridgit V Powers (1885-1953)

Mary Powers (1886-)




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